Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sinemalastirsak da mi saklasak sinemalastirmasak da mi saklasak?

Gecenlerde yakin bir dostumla oturmus kitap analizi yapiyoruz. Kac zamandir bana okumam icin israr ettigi kitaba sonunda baslamis ve nerdeyse bitermek uzereydim. Sabahattin Ali'nin klasiklesmis romani "Kurt Mantolu Madonna". Her zaman ilgimi cekmis olmasina ragmen bir turlu okumaya firsat bulamamistim. Kitap gercekten de bir harika ama benim burda sizinle paylasmak istedigim kitaptan ziyade dostumla olan konusma.

Kendisi kitaba bayildigindan her seferinde 'sunun bir de filmi cekilse cok guzel olur.' deyip duruyordu. Kitaba okumaya baslayinca bana da sordu 'mantikli degil mi alla askina, muthis bir film olur bence. Hem zaten kisa da bir roman ne kadar kotu bir uyarlama yapilirler ki?'

Benim cevabim ise hazirdi. Kesin ve net: HAYIR. Neden mi? Bunu da baska bir kitabin uzerinden anlatacagim, Bu sefer de baska bir dostumla oturmus hayatimizda iz birakan romanlar hakkinda konusuyoruz, Benimkisi belli. Dostoyevski'nin "Suc ve Ceza"si. O zamanlar kendimi dunya klasiklerini okumaya vermistim, Ne kadar da hala eskisi kadar bazi klasikler zevk vermese de kararim degismis degil. Hayatimda iz birakmistir o kitap. Dostumun secimi ise benimkinden cok farkliydi. Konustugumuz donemin hem entellektuel kesimi tarafindan hem de populist kesimi tarafindan ilgi goren Pascal Mercier'in "Lizbon'a Gece Treni". Dostlarimin dediklerine onem veren bir insanimdir. Konusmamizin uzerinden uzun zaman sonra da olsa kitabi okudum ve kitaba bayildim. Bir taraftan elimden birakamiyor ama bir taraftan da az az okuyup uzerinde cok cok dusunuyordum. Ustelik kitabi okurken sanki ikinci bir kitap okuyormus gibiydim cunku kitabin bas karakteri bilmedigi bir dilde yazilmis bir kitabin arkasindan yazarin hayatini ogrenmek icin onun yasadigi ulkeye gidiyor ve biz de okuyucu olarak bir taraftan bas karakterin basina gelenleri okuyoruz bir taraftan da bazen sayfalarca bas karakterin okudugu bu kitabi bizzat okuyoruz. Zaten iste bu kitapta yazilanlar cok enterasan, adam filozof gibi hayatla ilgili dusuncelerini, insan iliskilerini inanilmaz guzel bir dille anlatiyor.

Aslina bakarsaniz bu yazinin konusu bu kitap da degil. Neyse tavsiye ederim, okuyun deyip asil meseleye geliyorum. Eh bildiginiz uzere "Lizbon'a Gece Treni"nin filmi de cekildi. Gecenlerde esimle seyrettik. Normalde inanilmaz kizarim yonetmene/senariste kitabi iyi bir sekilde uyarlamadiklari zaman, fakat bu sefer cok sakindim. Filmi kitabi kendime hatirlatmaya calisarak degil tam tersi unutmaya calisarak seyrettim. Kucuk bir aydinlanma yasadim bu konuda. Oncellikle kitabi okurkenki his kesinlike sinemada verilemez. Tasvir sevmesem bile betimlemeler yapilirkenki o goruntuyu canlandirma ani sinemada yoktur dolayisiyla siz yonetmenin canlandirmasini gorursunuz bir nevi hazir yemek bulmus gibi olursunuz. Ikincisi ozellikle "Lizbon'a Gece Treni" gibi kitaplarin ("Kurk Mantolu Madonna" da bu kategoriye girmektedir.) amaci aslinda oykuyu anlatmak degil, okuyucuya birseyler katmak, onlara yazarin dusuncelerini anlatmaktir ki sinemada bunu da yapmak nerdeyse imkansizdir. Ornegin, filmde kitabin icindeki kitaptan sadece birkac cumle havada ucustu, bunlarin hicbirine gercekten dusunecek zaman yoktu ve unutuldu gitti. Oysaki ben kitabi okurken hem bunlari sayfa sayfa okudum hem de bazi yerlerde kitabi kapatip kendime zaman verdim dusunmek icin. Ucuncu olarak da bazi duygular vardir kitapta bu  duygular sayfalarca anlatilabilir ve okuyucu da bunlari okurken en derinine kadar teninde hisseder oysa ki bu ayni duygular dunyanin en iyi oyuncusu tarafindan bile tam anlamiyla ekrana yansiyamaz cunku ilk ve ikinci nedenler devreye girer. Birincisi sinemadaki aslinda bi baskasinin (yonetmenin/senaristin/oyuncunun) duygularidir ve size hazir olarak onunuze gelir ve sizin hayal gucunuzu kisitlar. Ikincisi ise sinemada zaman azdir ve oyuncu en iyi performansiyla bile o duyguyu en fazla 1-2 dakika ekrana tasiyabilir.

Kisacasi ben iste size saydigim bu nedenlerden dolayi sevgili dostuma kocaman bir HAYIR cevabi verdim ve bu yuzdendir ki artik kitap uyarlamasi filmlere kizmiyorum. Filmi kitaptan ayri bir sekilde elestirmeye calisiyorum. Hem zaten yonetmen kitabi harfi harfine sinemaya aktarsa nerde kaldi sinemanin sanat kismi degil mi? O zaman yonetmenin ve senaristin hayal gucunu, basarisini nasil takdir edecegiz?

Dolayisiyla size de sorum bu? Sinemalastirsak da mi (su beynimizde) saklasak yoksa sinemalastirmasak da (kitabi okuyarak) mi saklasak? Benim secimim ikincisinden yana. Insan beyni bu kadar ozgun senaryolar yazabilme kapasitesindeyken birakalim kitaplar kitap kalsin.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Magic of OM

After getting positive feedbacks about my first blog about yoga, I started to think about writing a new one. It is not easy as I am a beginner yogi. I don’t really know the philosophical part of yoga and the principles behind it. However these blogs are not meant to teach you yoga as if I am the teacher. This is about sharing my experience and if I am lucky enough it will encourage you to do yoga or at least make you think about it. Last but not least these blogs are meant to transfer the information that I learn in the process of writing them. So win-win situation, right ;)   

The first important question is : Have you ever been to a yoga class? Then you are familiar with the word “OM”  you see in my title. A yoga class usually begins and ends by chanting “om”. (Mostly it is 3 times but sometimes we do nine times and everybody chants in his own rhythm that’s my husband’s favourite.) Om is said to be the sound of universe. It is a vibrational sound that you make by saying “AAAAA-UUUUUUU-MMMM” in totally 4 counts while you are breathing out and if you do it in a class with 10-15 people it is… No, it can not be described you have to experience it.

Let’s begin with my first yoga class. All of us were sitting on our mats in cross-legged position and waiting for the instructor. Everybody closed their eyes as instructor told us to do (my eyes were slightly open though to see what was going to happen.) and then she said: “we are going to start this session by chanting three times om.”  What does this mean?! We started to exhale fully and inhaled deeply and then everybody started om-ing. I was completely shocked, everybody was seriously doing that. The sound was mesmerizing, it was like I was in a temple. At the same time it was funny too. I was trying to hold myself not to laugh out loud. It seemed so absurd. It wasn’t a temple, it wasn’t a religious ritual then why do we need to chant om to start the practice?  Ridiculous!

So as you see my first om is a complete fiasco. But after two or three classes I decided to stop pretending but to join chanting. I am not going to say that it was amazing or whatever. But it was relaxing. To breathe out by making the sound om felt really good. As I was in the choir for more than 10 years it felt like I am singing in the choir again.  On the other hand, I became irritated if someone didn’t do it in the right tone or didn’t follow the harmony (began early or ended late.) For a while this irritation continued.

Before finishing my story, I will tell you what I learned while I was writing this blog. Om has actually four parts: A-U-M-(silence). So you start with A (aahhh) which symbolizes the beginning, the universe, then comes U (ooohhh) where your lips come a little bit together. This makes you to maintain the energy of universe. Afterwards you connect your lips fully together with M (mmmm) sound. This sound unites you and the universe. Lastly the silence after the vibration which will bring you awareness and consciousness.   

This is easiest and understandable explanation of om.  As everything in yoga, unity and awareness are the most important parts. So why do we need to chant om to start the practice? To bring unity and awareness to our mind and soul with the sound before bringing them to our body physically. At least this is how I feel about it.

If we go back to my story, what happened to my irritation? Simple. I let it go. Through yoga classes I learned that  it was important to be aware of everything ( so hearing the wrong tones and early beginnings or late endings was not wrong) but at the same time it was important to concentrate on the one and only present time and live that moment with yourself. That’s why now I concentrate on my breathing and let go off my voice to make the beautiful sound of om. I don’t care if me or others are in right tone or in the harmony. Om is not about that like yoga is not about doing the asanas (postures) perfectly or being in the perfect flow. It is a journey to yourself by breathing in and breathing out and living that precious present time. 


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

It's YOGA!

It’s the time! It’s the time to talk about this. This life-changing decision… The decision that will accompany me through my whole life (for sure).  It’s YOGA.

Last summer when I was on vacation, I decided to start a new thing. Something that keep my mind busy when I don’t want to think about my study and make me relax when I am worried  and of course something that will increase the quality of my life but I should admit, I’ve never imagined that it would change my life this much.

I wanted to write about this for a long time but first I needed to figure out what exactly happened to me and I got a new look about my life.
I will start from the beginning. We all know the new sport trend. It is YOGA. Nowadays everybody is talking about it. You see in the movies, on tv. Even some football players are doing yoga to keep their shape, to relax, to be more flexible and more balanced. So it is impossible not to be curious about, right? As I was trying to have a healthy life by regularly going to gym and eating carefully, I decided to add this new sport trend in my training program . When I first started I wasn’t seeing yoga as meditation to my mind and to my body but just a new type of exercise to make me have a strong and fit body. Cause let’s admit, we love fitness but isn’t that weight lifting sometimes boring and don’t we sometimes think what is the point of running if you are still at the very same spot?

According to the my aim, Vinyasa (Flow) Yoga was the best option for me as it is in high tempo, it is a kind of the dance of the breathe and the posture therefore every posture is in a flow etc. etc. Fortunately my husband’s cousin recommended a yoga studio (Never do a yoga lesson in the gym, try to find a studio where everybody comes with the same idea: “it is about exploring yourself”. But we will talk about this later.). The first lesson on the mat was so shockingly(!) difficult and I realized that I’d never sweated that much in my whole life. At some point, the mat became so slippery because of my sweat that I’d nearly flipped on the mat. At the end of the lesson I was very happy that I have found my yoga style. This will make me lose calories like the way I lose in the gym. Yeay!!!

The first 2-3 lessons, I’d hardly listened the meditative monologs by the instructors and mostly focused on my own thoughts and inner voice like the way I did in the gym. However a realization moment  has come. If I didn’t focus on my breath and listen to my body, I could not go any further with postures and there will be no improvement on my body or on my mind. This realization became with the instructors of course. They really helped me to see yoga as a way of spending time with yourself, the importance of presence as a time and as a being. To focus on breath and to leave everything behind but at the same time to be aware of everything too. Then my view got started to change. Now when I am on my mat, I leave every worry, every thought behind me and try to really live the moment with myself.

  • How many hours do you really spend time with yourself and focus on yourself to discover your edges, your capabilities?
  •   How many times do you do something for yourself and for your body? Not to be look beautiful to others but to yourself (especially to your inner self). 
  • How many times do you really live in the moment and not thinking about the future or the past not even for a second?
  •  How many times do you really sit and think about how important is breathe and do some breathing exercises to open your mind? (if you do breathing exercises you pomp more oxygen to your heart and to your brain and that will clear your mind, ease your stress and make you think more rationally.)

Even these few questions can (hopefully) change your view about life and if you go deeper you realize how precious is our time and how we spend it with lots worries, stress, calculations, relationships but not with ourselves.

I know at first it seems so ridiculous and even selfish but spending time with yourself does not mean you don’t care about people. On the contrary, if you want to care about people you have to first care about yourself. A happy soul will give more happiness and love to the others than a stressful, worried and sad soul.

Think about it and start to do yoga! Today! 

Namaste :)

Friday, March 20, 2015


Ok, I admit, I just love so-called young adult books/films. They are so naive and so exciting even if they are very predictable. All the girls are brave and clever, All the boys are honest and trustworthy. The author creates an imaginery life where you can put yourself into the leading character's mind and body. That feels fantastic. I can't help it, I love it.  

This was the first reason why I watched this movie and also you learn why I read Twilight and Hunger Games and I am still watching The Vampire Diaries :)

Additionally, imagine a film that has your three favourite brilliant young star: Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort and Miles Teller. Even if it still feels weird when you see Shailene and Ansel as brothers after their perfect chemistry in "The Fault in Our Stars" and Miles as a bad guy after his amazing drummer performance in "Whiplash". So they were the second reason that I wanted to watch this film. I should add even if it is so tempting I won't read the books, it is filmed perfectly fine. 

Nobody can only have positive points, right? Aside from being very predictable, unfortunately the whole storyline reminds you very much of "The Hunger Games". SPOILER ALERT: Even the part where Four forgets all his emotions and attacks to Tris. Seriously?! 

These similarities is sometimes really irritating if you know 'The Hunger Games" very well. And I also read that the forth book after the trilogy tells stories from the male's character's point of view. I don't know if anybody remembers but this was Stephie Meyer's (the author of Twilight series) idea. Due to the online leak of the forth book's chapters, she stopped writing. But let's come back to the point. C'mon man don't you have any original ideas?!

I will lastly mention one of my concerns. Shailane Woodley is a promising actress. Is it smart to put her in a film that the character will probably stick to her for a long time. I mean, look at Kristen Stewart, even if she tries so hard (watch her in "Still Alice".) we still see her as Bella (from "Twilight"), right? I know you are thinking about Jennifer Lawrence (from "The Hunger Games") but the case is not the same. When she started play Katniss, she was already very much noticed by The Academy and everyone was talking about how good actress she is and at her young age. Additionally she played in very good movies while she was playing Katniss and she won an Oscar. That was an extraordinary case. Additionally we shouldn't forget that she also played in "The X-men"series too so she worked so hard that we won't only remember her as Katniss. Is Shailane doing the same? Unfortunately not! That's why I think this role is a threat for her acting career.

Anyway let's go back to the point. As I clearly explained  my reasons this movie before and after concordes me so much that I can not have bad feelings. Now, I just want to watch the second one. If you are also like me, DO NOT MISS IT!

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Oscar Predictions 2015!

The Oscars are coming closer (February 22, Sunday) and I have nearly seen all the films that are nominated. So it’s time to share my predictions. Here it comes,

Best Picture
Will Win: Boyhood
May Win: Birdman        
Should Win: Boyhood (Birdman was good but not good enough to win the “Best Picture” Oscar. Boyhood was a cinema experience and it was more touching. Boyhood deserves more.)

Best Director
Will Win: Alejandro González Iñárritu (Birdman)
May Win: Richard Linklater (Boyhood)
Should Win: Alejandro González Iñárritu (Definitely! He is a very good director and Birdman should be honored with this category. Additionally he already won the Directors Guild of America Award so actually I have no doubt.)

Best Actor in Leading Role
Will Win: Eddie Redmayne (The Theory Of Everything)   
May Win: Eddie Redmayne (There is no ‘may win’! He will win the Oscar, he deserves every inch of it and he already won every award so far.)
Should Win: Eddie Redmayne

Best Actress in Leading Role
Will Win: Julianne Moore (Still Alice)
May Win: Felicity Jones (The Theory of Everything)
Should Win: Julianne Moore (Actually here is also no ‘may win’. Moore also won every award and she needs a Oscar. She is a great actress and her performance in “Still Alice” was great too!)

Best Actor in Supporting Role
Will Win: J. K. Simmons (Whiplash)
May Win: Robert Duvall (The Judge)
Should Win: J. K. Simmons (I remember only the performance of Christopher Waltz in ‘Inglorious Basterds’ as impressive and as real as the performance of Simmons. Masterpiece performance! Just Perfect! )

Best Actress in Supporting Role
Will Win: Patricia Arquette (Boyhood)
May Win: Emma Stone (Birdman)          
Should Win: Patricia Arquette (The all nominees are good but Arquette needs the Oscar for this humble and minimalist performance.)

Best Original Screenplay
Will Win: The Grand Budapest Hotel
May Win: Birdman
Should Win: Birdman (Unfortunately I think that The Grand Budapest Hotel will win but it doesn’t deserve it. It is not a good movie, there is no originality in the scenario. Sorry but for me the weakest link of this year’s Oscars is definitely The Grand Budapest Hotel. If you want to see some colors, Tim Burton did much more better films with colors. Let’s not exaggerate!)

Best Adapted Screenplay
Will Win: Whiplash
May Win: The Theory of Everything
Should Win: The Theory of Everything (Even if I don’t know how Whiplash is adapted to the film, we all know that The Theory of Everything is a good adaptation. Stephan Hawking says it.)

Best Foreign Language Film
Will Win: Leviathan
May Win: Ida
Should Win: Ida (Actually I can’t say who should win because I only saw Ida but if Ida wins, it will be well-deserved.)

Best Original Score
Will Win: The Grand Budapest Hotel      
May Win: The Theory of Everything
Should Win: The Theory Of Everything (In this category all the composers are well-known and all of them did terrific jobs so it isn’t easy to decide. My heart says Johann Johannson with The Theory of Everything.)

Best Original Song
Will Win: Glory (Selma)
May Win: I’m not gonna miss you (Glen Campbell… I’ll be me)
Should Win: Glory

For the technical nominations I have some predictions but I can not say which film should win, cause I don’t have that knowledge to really question their judgement.

Achievement in Cinematography
Will Win: Birdman
May Win: The Grand Budapest Hotel

Achievement in Costume Design
Will Win: The Grand Budapest Hotel
May Win: Mr Turner

Achievement in Film Editing
Will Win: Whiplash
May Win: Boyhood

Achievement in Makeup and Hairstyling
Will Win: The Grand Budapest Hotel
May Win: Foxcatcher

Achievement in Production Design
Will Win: The Grand Budapest Hotel
May Win: Mr Turner

Achievement in Sound Editing
Will Win: Birdman
May Win: The Hobbit : The Battle of Five Armies

Achievement in Sound Mixing
Will Win: Whiplash
May Win: Birdman

Achievement in Visual Effects
Will Win: Interstellar
May Win: Dawn of the Planet Apps

Lastly let’s come to the categories for which I have no idea who will win or who may win but for some of them I have some instincts about the winners: Best Documentary (The Salt of the Earth), Best Documentary Short Subject, Best Animated Film (How to Train Your Dragon 2), Best Live Action Short Film and Best Animated Short Film.

On February 22, I will be watching the Oscars ‘live’. I am sure it will be a lot of fun. Remember, this year’s host is Neil Patrick Harris so my expectations are really high about the fun factor of the ceremony and I will keep scores so that I can share with you how many of my predictions become reality.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Chocolate Mousse

Nobody can say this: “I don’t like chocolate mousse”. It is impossible! It is full of chocolate and that creamy taste can be even seductive at some point. Do you want to surprise your guest ( or just yourself J )  with an extremely delicious but a very easy and quickly-prepared dessert? Then you will try this recipe definitely. I used my friend’s recipe as baseline and did some little changes. It became semi-sweet, fruity and creamy. Here is the recipe.


·         180 gr milk chocolate ( quiet unusual but I gave the bitterness with another ingredient J )
·         55 gr butter
·         1 cup (40 ml) Vanilla espresso (I used 1 nespresso capsule of Vanilio, you can of course use standard espresso and add a 1 tsp of vanilla for flavor.)
·         20 ml milk
·         1 egg yolk
·         250 ml crème-fraiche
·         250 gr raspberries
·         Whipped cream
·         Grated chocolate

  1.  Put the chocolate, butter, espresso and milk in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water and stir it occasionally.
  2.  Once the chocolate totally melted put the egg yolk and start to stir it immediately and fast so that egg yolk do not cook in the chocolate mix, if so you will see yellow egg particles in the mix and whole chocolate is ruined.
  3.  After 2 - 3 minutes of constant stirring, put the bowl aside and let the chocolate mix cool down.
  4.  Put the crème-fraiche in an another bowl and whip it till thickened (app 3 min). (if it is not thick enough, you will get a soft form which you don’t want.)
  5. Add the chocolate mix into the thickened crème-fraiche and mix them very well.
  6. Transfer the mousse into 4 - 6 bowls (according to the size of your bowls.)
  7. Put them in the refrigerator for at least 1 – 2 hours.

Serving Tip: Here comes the fruity and more creamy part!
o   Chopped the raspberries (it can be also blueberries or blackberries.) into small pieces.
o   Put the chopped raspberries on the top of the mousse.
o   Top with the whipped cream and grated chocolate


Hic kimseden bunu duyamazsiniz: “Ben cikolatali mousse sevmiyorum.” Imkansiz! Bir kere bu tatli neredeyse sadece ve sadece cikolatayla yapiliyor. Kim boyle bir tatliya hayir diyebilir ki?! Siz de benim gibi misafirlerinize (veya sadece kendinize J) ultra lezzetli ama bir o kadar da kolay bir tatli hazirlamak istiyorsaniz bunu kesinlikle denemelisiniz. Bir arkadasimdan aldigim tarifin uzerinde birkac degisiklik yaparak yari-tatli, meyvemsi, bol kremali cikolatali mousse hazirladim. Iste tarifi.

  • 180 gr sutlu cikolata (Normalde bitter cikolata kullanilir, fakat ben bitter tadini baska bir malzemeyle verdim.)
  •  55 gr tereyagi
  •  40 ml vanilya aromali espresso (1 nespresso Vanilio kapsulu kullandim ama siz ayni tad icin normal espresso ve 1 cay kasigi vanilya da kullanabilirsiniz.)
  •   20 ml sut
  •   1 yumurta sarisi
  •   250 ml krema
  •    250 gr frambuaz
  •    Hazir krema
  •    Cikolata parcalari

  1. Cikolata, tereyagi, espresso ve sutu bir kaba koyup ara sira karistirarak benmari usulu eritin.
  2. Cikolata tamamen eridikten sonra yumurta sarisini ekleyin ve hemen cirpma teliyle surekli ve seri halde karistirin. Eger karistirmazsaniz yumurta piser ve kucuk sari parcalar gormeye baslarsiniz ki bu butun cikolata karisiminiz cope gitmesi anlamina gelir.
  3. Yaklasik 3 dakika karistirmanin sonunda cikolata karisimini sogumaya birakin.
  4. Baska bi kaba kremayi koyun ve iyice sertlesene kadar cirpin. Kremanin sert olmasi onemli yoksa mousse formunu tutturamazsiniz, sulu olur.
  5. Sertlesen kremaya cikolata karisimini ekleyin ve iyice karistirin.
  6. Servis kaplarina paylastirin. (kaplarinizin buyuklugune gore  4 – 6 kap cikar.)
  7. Buzdolabinda en az 1 – 2 saat sogumaya birakin.

Servis icin: Iste burasi meyvemsi ve bol kremali yapmak icin!
o   Frambuazlari kucuk parcalar halinde dograyin. (Frambuaz yerine yaban mersini ya da bogurtlen de kullanabilirsiniz.)
o   Kaplarin uzerinlerine uzerini kapatacak sekilde ekleyin.
o   Hazir kremayla susleyip uzerine cikolata parcalarini ekleyerek servis yapin.

Afiyet olsun!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Merry Armenian Christmas!

It's been again a long time since I posted a blog, I know. We are now in 2015. For some of you it is late but still happy new year! For almost everybody holiday season is over but not for Armenians :) Today is Christmas Eve and tomorrow we will celebrate Christmas. That's why I wanted to share a recipe with you. It is a very easy cookie recipe. You can serve them after dinner with tea or coffee if you and your guests still have some space to eat something :) If you saw an Armenian dinner, you would know what I am talking about ;)

No more chit-chatting, here is the recipe. Merry Armenian Christmas :)

  • butter (100g)
  • brown sugar (200g)
  • 2 eggs
  • self raising flour (200g)
  • 1 tsp of baking powder
  • crunchy peanut butter (100g)
  • 1 tsp of vanilla powder
  • handful of walnuts
  • caramel-honey dessert sauce or melted chocolate 

  • Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  • Put the butter, brown sugar and eggs in big bowl and mix them till its soft.
  • Add the flour, baking powder, vanilla and peanut butter and mix them very well.
  • Shape dough into small balls by using two table spoons and put them on the baking tray.
  • Put the walnuts on the top. 
  • Bake them in the preheated oven for 12-14 minutes. 
  • When they are cooled down you can put the sauce or the melted chocalate on them.

Oncellikle herkese mutlu yillar! Biliyorum uzun zamandir yine blog yazmiyorum. Bugun yine bir tarifle karsinizdayim. Hepiniz icin tatil bitmis olsa da biz Ermeniler icin daha bitmedi. Bugun Noel arifesi, yarin ise Isa'nin dogumunu kutlayacagiz. Bu inanilmaz kolay fistik ezmeli biskuviyi ise tam noel yemegi sonrasi kahve ve cay esliginde rahatca sunabilirsiniz tabi hala misafirlerinizin midesinde azicik da olsa yer kaldiysa. Ermeni sofrasinda bulunmus olanlar ne demek istedigimi bilir :)

Sozu daha fazla uzatmadan tarife geciyorum. Shnorhavor Surp Dznund :)

  • 100 gr tereyagi
  • 200 gr kahverengi seker
  • 2 yumurta
  • 100 gr fistik ezmesi
  • 1 cay kasigi kabartma tozu
  • 1 cay kasigi vanilya (daha yogun bir vanilya aromasi icin bir paket de konulabilir.)
  • 200 gr un
  • 1 avuc ceviz
  • Karamelli-Balli tatli sosu veya erimis cikolata
  • Firini 180 dereceye ayarlayip onceden isitin
  • Seker, tereyagi ve yumurtayi buyuk bi kaba alin iyice karistirin. 
  • Un, kabartma tozu, vanilya ve fistik ezmesini de iyice karistirip kasik yarimiyla kucuk toplar halinde firin tepsisine dizin.
  • Uzerlerine sus olarak cevizleri ekleyin.
  • Firinda 12-14 dakika arasinda pisirin.
  • Biskuviler iyice soguduktan sonra uzerlerine tatli sosu veya erimis cikolata ile susleyin.
Afiyet olsun!