Friday, March 25, 2016

Takus Hanimin Zeytinyagli Biber Dolmasi

"Eger Tanri sadece yemek tariflerini uygulayarak yemek yapmamizi isteseydi, buyukanneleri bize vermezdi." Bir restaurantin tavaninda yazilan bu sozu gorunce aklima tabi ki kendi anneannem geldi. Herkesin buyukannesi ozeldir ama benimkisi... Cok lafa gerek yok taniyanlar ne kadar ozel biri oldugunu bilir Takus hanimin :) (Asil ismi Takuhi tabi. Ermenicede kralice demek, kendisi hic hazetmez bu isimden ama sanirim benim ona Takus dememi seviyor.)
Kendi gibi tarifleri de ozeldir. Oyle su kadar gram bu kadar gramla calismaz. Tipki benim kendisinden ogrendigim gibi o da kendi annesine bakarak ogrenmistir tarifleri. Oyle bi keyifle yapar ki yemeklerini. 'Icine sevgisini de katiyor ondan bu kadar lezzetli'nin canli kanitidir. Bu yemek yapmaya olan merakimi da ondan almisim zaten:) Tariflerini oyle yazmaz cizmez yapa yapa, yaparken de tada tada olusturur sonra tekrar yapa yapa da aklinda tutar. Ayrica pratiktir de. Biraz goz karari biraz da adet hesabina gore yemek tarifi verir. Okudugu tarifi de kendine gore uyarlar. Kafasina uymazsa tarifteki bir malzame hayatta koymaz. Asci insiyatifi :)
Eh boyle bi ascinin yaninda cirak olunca ben de oyle pek tariflere uymaz oldum. Hersey kafama gore. Ustelik aci mi oldu at patatesi, sulu mu oldu kapagi acik birak harli ateste kaynat gibi mutfak hilelerini de ogretmistir bana. Bu yasinda (91 dile kolay) hala yeni tarifler hileler uretmektedir. Ustelik dedigine bakin: "Eger BIRAZ daha genc olsaydim kesin bir yemek kursuna giderdim." 91 senelik zorlu hayatinda hic kendi icin birsey yapmamis ki hep baskalari icin. Neyse biz ne diyorduk? Tarif diyorduk. Ermeni sofrasinin olmazsa olmazlarindan zeytinyagli biber dolmasi (Bosuna demezler ermeni kadini mutfakta olur die). Anneannemin ise tarifi pek pratiktir. O yuzden sizinle bu vesileyle paylasmak istiyorum. Iste size Takus hanimin zeytinyagli biber dolmasi.

  • 10 tane dolmalik biber
  • 10 tane orta buyuklukte sogan (bu demektir ki hesap biber basina bir sogana gore yapilmistir. Eger soganlar buyukse asci insiyatifi 8 de olabilir.)
  • 10 tatli kaşığı pirinc (yine biberde oldugu gibi biber basina 1 tatli kasigi pirince gore hesap yapilmistir.)
  • Goz kararinca bol yeni bahar (tadina bakicaksiniz sart Takus hanim oyle su kadar gramdan falan anlamaz, tadina bakarak karar verir.)
  • Goz kararinca yeni bahardan daha az olacak sekilde tarcin
  • Tarcinla benzer miktarda kimyon
  • Bir avuc cam fistigi
  • Bir avuc siyah uzum
  • 1 bardak zeytinyagi
  • Tuz,karabiber,cok az da pul biber
  • 1 domates (biberlerin ustune kapak yapmak icin)
  • Pisirmek icin ise 10 tatli kasigi pirinc bir bardaga bosaltilir ve onun iki kati su kullanilir.

  • Soganlar kucuk kucuk dograndiktan sonra tavada biraz yag ve biraz suyla hafif pembe olana kadar kavurulur.
  • Biberlerin baslari cikartilir ve icleri temizlenir, yikanir. 
  • Soganlar kavrulduktan sonra yag, baharatlar, uzum ve fistik konur. Karistirilir, tadina bakilir. Gerekiyorsa baharatlara ilave yapilir. 
  • Pirinc de eklenip karistirildiktan sonra biberler doldurulur.
  • Kare kare kesilen domateslerle biberlerin ustu kapanir.
  • Tencereye biberler yerlestirilir. Su eklenir ve biraz da yag konur. 
  • Takus hanim duduklu tencere kullanmaya pek alisik degildir ama dudukludeki gibi pisirmenin bir yontemini bulmustur. Biberlerin uzerine kapatacak bir tabak koymak ve uzerine tencerenin kapagini koymak.
  • Bu vaziyette kisik ateste 1 saat pisirilir.
  • Sogumaya birakilir. 
Takus hanim servis yapacagi gunden hep bir gun once dolmasini (genel olarak butun zeytinyaglilarini) yapar. Cunku hep derki : "Yavrum birgun buzdolabinda kalirsa butun baharat iyice soganla bir olur ve sonuc olarak daha lezzetli olur." Gercekten de oluyor. Size de tavsiye ederim.

Oyleyse afiyet olsun.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Let's be human again!

Everybody knows how I am crazy about young adult movies/books. As “Hunger Games” is over now I am giving my focus to “Divergent” series. Unlike “Hunger Games”, I didn’t read the books of “Divergent”. So I can’t compare the movies with the books ‘luckily’ J Let me give a quick summary before we go deep into it. The series took place in a post-apocalyptic Chicago where people are divided into 5 factions (groups) according to their dominant characteristic features. Abnegation for the selfless, amity for the peaceful, candor for the honest, dauntless for the brave and erudite for the intellectual. Every year all sixteen-year-olds are put on a test in order to determine their factions. They don’t have to accept the faction that comes out of the test. Then, they need to choose whatever they want  but they need to prove that they belong to the faction they have chosen. If they can’t prove that they are out of the society and they are labeled as factionless which make them live miserably. Their world is surrounded with the walls. They believe that the whole world is a disastrous place and they can’t and should not go outside. Straightforward, sounds familiar, so what? What if one person comes up and has all these features, selflessness, peace, honesty, braveness and intelligence. You know that it was coming right? The first film started there. Our female hero Beatrice “Tris” is divergent which means she possesses all 5 features. But she needs to hide this as a secret because the government punishes the divergents as they think they are threats to the society. Mankind is always afraid of what he doesn’t know or can’t control. This sounds very familiar too, right? So the first film was busy with showing how Tris tries to fit in in one of the factions and they that doesn’t work out. In the second film the government has already understood that Tris was a divergent and they wanted to catch him for a very difficult experiment. It was a very difficult test and she managed to survive that. (I assume that when I say test you don’t imagine a very difficult math test or multiple choice test ;)) Ta taaa the outcome of the test says that the divergent people are key for the survival of the mankind. Second film ends like this. Recently the third film is released and of course I’ve watched it immediately. While everybody was cheering because there was no government, no rules, factionless people took advantage of people’s anger to punish the governmental people and try to rule them again. Additionally they forbade people to go to behind the walls as they are afraid! Do you think that they can stop Tris? Tris and her friends managed to go behind the walls and they were welcomed in a new world. However now they are also discriminated because apart from Tris the others were not pure which means that they were forced to be in faction, so even they were born divergent they were not divergent anymore, so they were damaged. If we look at the picture what happened? They fought, they were killed, they suffered to be free from the factions and at the end they are again labelled as pure and damaged.

This got me thinking. I am looking to the world. Unfortunately we are also living in a world where everybody puts everybody into a category “you are black, you’re Jewish, you’re Asian, you’re Muslim, you’re democrat, you’re vegan, and even ‘are you a dog person or a cat person’ ?!”. More interestingly even if someone doesn’t fit into a group we just try to label him/her. This time as “crazy, anti-social, disagreeable”.  Because you have to fit into something. You have to be in a group of people like you as if you are a sheep and someone should be a leader to guide you, tell you what to do and not to do. Then we feel safe, we feel protected. It is also easier with labels to blame. We will just blame the whole group for one person’s action and done! By the time we are blinded by our group leader and the relaxation of being safe becomes dullness and there dies the creativity, sense of inquiry. We become really like sheep and at the end if one sheep jumps from the cliff the others follows.

I am always touched by these following words.

“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

We forget that we are all human. We created all those labels. We drew all those lines. We build these systems and now we are fighting to each other for them. Before we realized there will be no one left to share this beautiful world and remember(!) “Happiness is only real when shared”.