Thursday, August 18, 2016

Avocado Soslu Kiymali Makarna

Beni yakindan taniyanlar bilir. Ben bir avocado hastasiyim. Nerdeyse hergun bir avocado yerim. Ancak avocado kolay bulunan bir meyve degildir. Kolay bulunmadigi gibi secmesi de onemlidir. Orta yumusaklidir olmalidir bir kere. Ne cok sert ne cok yumusak. Basinda bulunan kucuk sapi cikarilip icine bakilmalidir yesilse ici de guzeldir demektir. Buna dikkat edilmedigi takdirde eve gelip de soyunca ici siyah bir avocadoyla karsilasilabilir. Soymak demisken soymasi da bir degisiktir avocadonun. Bunun icin Youtube’tan video izleyebilirsiniz yanlis okumadiniz bu meyveyi oyle kafaniza gore soyamazsiniz ozel bir sekli var. Soyduktan sonra da zorluklari bitmedi. Mumkunse hepsini bir oturusta bitirin. Yarisini da yarina saklayayim demeyim. Cunku avocado cok cabuk bozulan bir meyvedir. 1-2 saat icinde simsiyah olur ve yenmez. Dolayisiyla en son eklenmesi gereken seydir avocado. Yok ben ille de saklayacagim derseniz o zaman cekirdekli olan kismini (cekirdegini cikarmadan) kapali bir kabin icine koyarak (veya strec filme sikica sararak) buzdolabinda saklayin. Bu kadar eziyetli bir meyvedir kendisi. Dahasi bircoklari icin tek basina bir tadi yoktur (annemin deyimiyle) krem gibi birseydir fakat baska tadlarla birlesince muthis lezzetli olur. Meksika mutfagini sevenler bilir, fajita olsun, quesadilla olsun herzaman onlarin yaninda gelen yesil sos guacamole avocadodan yapilir. Avocado meksika mutfaginin olmazsa olmazlarindandir zaten. Fakat bana sorarsiniz avocado en cok icinde domates olan salatalara cok yakisir. Zaten yaptigim arastirmalara gore zaten cok yararli olan avocado domatesle birlkte yendigi zaman hiper yararli oluyormus. Evet zaten avocadoyu deneme sebeplerimin basinda tek basina cok saglikli bir meyve olmasidir. Karbonhidrat orani dusuk ama doymamis yag orani ve lif orani yuksek bir meyvedir. Bu doymamis yag bizim icin son derece saglikli olmasinin yani sira bazi besinlerin daha iyi emilmesine de yardimci. Muzdan daha cok potasyuma sahip olan bu meyvenin icinde K,C,B5 ve B6 vitaminleri de vardir. Yapilan bazi arastirmalar kilo vermeye bile yardimci oldugunu soyluyor (en azindan baya tok tuttugunu soyleyebilirim.) Daha da bircok yararlari var internetten arastirabilirsiniz. Ama gelelim simdi benim bunlari nicin soyledigime. Yeni bir tarif denedim gecenlerde ve bu tarifi sizinle paylasmak istiyorum. Tabi ki icinde avocado var :)

Avocado Soslu Kiymali Makarna (4 kisilik)

  • 500 gr makarna (uzun, kisa, burgu, fiyonk ne isterseniz)
  • 1 adet Avocado
  • 300 gr kiyma
  • 1 adet sogan
  • 2 dis sarmisak
  • 1 yumurta sarisi
  • 200 ml krema
  • 150 gr parmesan (gozunuze az veya cok gelirse istediginiz gibi degistirebilirsiniz.)
  • 1 adet limonun suyu

  1. Soganlari kucuk kucuk dograyin. Tavanin icine cok az zeytinyagi koyup soganlari cok hafif kavurun pembelesmesine firsat vermeden kiymayi ekleyin ve kiyma iyice pisene kadar kavurun. Tuz ve karabiber ekleyip bir kenara koyun.
  2. 500 gr makarna 1.5-2 L kaynamis suyun icine atin ve 10-15 dakika kaynatin. Istediginiz yumusaklikta makarnanin altini kapatip ve suzun.
  3. Blendara 1 adet soyulmus avocado, 2 dis sarmisak, 1 yumurta sarisi, 200 ml kremayi koyup icindeki hersey ezilip puruzsuz bir sos olana kadar blendardan gecirin.
  4. Makarnayi tencereye alin uzerine hazirladiginiz avocado sosunun hepsini dokun ve karistirin.
  5. Rendelediginiz parmesan peynirinin 2/3unu makarnaya ilave edin ve karistirin. Bu sirada cok az olacak sekilde tencerenin altini yakin.
  6. Peynir hafif eridikten sonra tencerenin altini kapatip tabaklara servis edin. Uzerine kiymalari ve geri kalan peyniri serpin.
  7. Ozellikle de benim gibi domates hayrani iseniz ve makarna taze tatlar olmasindan hoslaniyorsunuz resimde goruldugu gibi makarnayi taze cherry pomodori domatesleriyle susleyebilirsiniz.

Afiyet olsun :)

Dare to dive into the sea

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” You’ve probably heard this quote many times before. Maybe it sounds a bit cliché or you think ‘do I really need to do bungee jumping to prove that I am actually living?’ However I understand the true meaning of this quote after I started to practice headstand.

Everybody has its comfort zone. For some it is their jobs, for some it is their relationships, for some it is their hometowns. Because of this comfort zone some people can’t change their jobs, some people are stuck in their bad relationships, some people can’t change even their hairdressers even if they know that they can have a better one. Comfort zone is something that we hold on to, something familiar. It feels good to stay in the comfort zone because it is known and known things can not harm us. It is known and that’s why we can control it. Leaving the comfort zone means stepping into something unknown and it is scary. Remember the moment when you want to dive into cold blue sea. It is hot outside, you want to cool down but the sea is cold so you don’t dive in because you are in your comfort zone. The worst thing with that is if you stay outside longer the sea feels colder and colder. In reality the temperature of the sea didn’t change however you stayed so long outside (in your comfort zone) that it seems impossible to dive into that beautiful sea, even if you know how relaxing it will be to swim there. Here comes the importance of yoga practice. Yoga will show you how to swim in that sea.

One of the most challenging poses in yoga are the inversions. At my first yoga lesson, the instructor has encouraged me to do a headstand. I couldn’t do it. I thought I need to build stronger abdominal muscles. After almost 6 months even if I had stronger muscles I couldn’t invert myself. So I thought it is the balance. Another 6 months passed and I still couldn’t do it even if I was doing a very balanced ‘tree pose’. Then I realized my problem wasn’t about strength or balance. It was about my comfort zone. This realization came up with some partner yoga practices. I couldn’t let go. I couldn’t trust my partner and let my partner to have the control and so both me and my partner were failing in the asanas because of my ‘comfort zone’. I realized that I was doing the same thing to myself with the inversions. I couldn’t let go off my fear. I couldn’t trust myself and leave my comfort zone. What now?

Through yoga practice, a person becomes aware of his/her body. He/she starts to know his/her body better than before. In every practice a different reaction of the body is seen to an exact same asana. After some time maybe there is some progress. Some asanas become easy and more challenging poses are tried. With those more challenging poses you start to trust to yourself. You start to see the power in you but at the same time you realize the power of breath. While at first you were trying to align your breath with the asana, you see that with the challenging poses you automatically do that because they are impossible to do without stable breathing.  And then one day with a complete clear mind and aligned breath, I was practicing the half headstand, I was not thinking that I could invert myself but suddenly I found myself at the wall upside down.

Now I see the path to inversions like a triangle. Obviously you can’t invert yourself by only leaving your comfort zone and trusting yourself, you need a base with two corners. One corner is the strength and the other corner is the balance. Both corners can be trained by other activities like fitness. However the most important corner, the top corner is the courage. Leaving your comfort zone, letting go off your fear and trusting yourself. That you will learn only with yoga practice.  Once you invert yourself you will more easily leave your comfort zone. So are you ready to dive into the sea?